Entries in dam (3)


24 hr short in 1 minute 50 seconds

Still annoyed at color differences from hdmi out to .mov to vimeo .mp4 to playback with "Standard" setting. It doesn't matter how much calibration is used. Every monitor looks different.

Meaning, this looks a bit less saturated than the way it was graded to look on the "calibrated" monitor. At least when played back in either the "Standard" or the "Movie" settings on an older Dell monitor.

Not that anybody cares...


5 x 5 break

Amidst my concerns with learning how to use software, and rotoscope accurately, has come this weekend's Vimeo project: 5 shots, each five seconds long = a twenty-five second movie. Even I can handle that. Which led to these initial entries:


No great investment to watch. In fact, watch 'em twice!


"The Nature of Photographs"

A second submission to the Vimeo 1 minute movie.

 The rules:

  • exactly one minute long
  • no camera moves
  • no edits
  • no credits or music

Something I've been/not been working on for 10 - 11 months. Probably time to learn some lines. Am I repeating myself?