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where's the hog path at?

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Better put this up, or it's not going to happen.

The night prior to this photo, it took 5-1/2 hours to get home from the market, a trip that ordinarily takes 15 minutes. It was truly a challenge to yours truly's sanity and patience. At least I wasn't one of the unfortunates who spent over 24 hours in their car, as some out there did. You might say people around here don't know how to handle their vehicles in the snow. Alas, 4-5 days later, we're still digging our way out of 24 inches of this white stuff.

Reader Comments (2)

That is why I to not use a car if possible. My nervous system would breakdown in far less time. But consider yourself fortunate, here (in northern Italy btw) we had far more troubles for much less (10 cm) of snow that resisted for a couple of days. Even snow perception is relative I would say ...

My best wishes for you Holidays


PS: I find that the photographic beauty of the snow is the abundance of shades of white, something difficult to find naturally the rest of the year.

December 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMauro Thon Giudici


I'm surprised to hear that you have horrible traffic problems in the snow. I would have thought northern Italia would be prepared for such things. We're bad about abandoning our vehicles and finding public means of transportation. Plus, my work requires the use of hundreds of different tools that would be difficult to carry any other way than my own automobile.

The shades of white are fascinating. The shadows in pockets of snow tend to be blue to the eye, even without the use of some camera/lens/recording mediia combo. I think the light - while the snow is falling - is about as diffuse as it ever gets. It's wonderful while it's falling - as long as you are comfortably within walking distance of home. Which is not far in a snow like this one, that was at least knee high. It's like slogging through water that deep.

December 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterKMW

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