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In case there's a chance someone comes here that hasn't been to the Landscapist recently, be sure and go here. Mark asked us to make the link, so here it is. I try to be accommodating.

I'd like to learn more about this Print On Demand photo book concept. Or more correctly, I'd like to see the output. I question the quality, the paper, the size, the pricing. But others seem to be quite enthusiastic, so inevitably it's something to try out. I'm not quite certain I'm ready to put something together at this time, however. I feel like I'm still collecting data. I'm not going to be modest and claim that my work isn't good enough, or I don't have enough good photos to fill a book. What I do feel is that I've not got enough good photos that hang together to put in a book, at this point. I work so much more slowly than my digital compatriots, that I often feel like I'm in the center of a whirlwind, spinning around like one of those cartoon characters being wound up like a top. The work here at Man Made Wilderness is an attempt to put things together in some coherent context. But I need a lot more material to cull through before I'm ready to build a book.

Could this be a failure to commit? Possibly... I want to move at my own pace, one of the reasons I've been keeping my own company on the web the last couple of weeks. There's plenty of work to do around here without taking on projects that someone else deems to be worthy endeavors. 

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