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Being able to take the entire enterprise on the road is still a remarkable thing - no? At least there is some familiarity to be found in the very act of putting together one of these little entries. Nothing much else is very familiar about the surroundings, other than the ubiquity to be found in modern American motel rooms. I'm not out here for long enough to succumb to the dreariness of it and resort to attempting Stephen Shore type imagery.

It was a fine day today, with another three counties visited, with their various courthouses: Bedford (one large building with one pseudo entrance from the 50's, and one actual entrance from the 90's);  Franklin (where once again I set up on the roof of the van on the main street through town and attracted no attention whatsoever); and Carroll (with one large new building from the 1990's and another older building from the 1870's not far away beside a WiFi hotspot that worked just fine) where I visited last year one Sunday morning and found the light was in the sky right over both the buildings. Today I didn't arrive until later in the day, and it was much more overcast, so the light was nearly perfect.

Where all this is headed is still a big unknown. At least I am beginning to conceive of possibilities for display around the state. But I'm still not willing to relinquish any control over how I photograph the subject matter, so I am not ready to take anyone else's money yet. After talking briefly to Doug Gilpin the other day about his knowledge of courthouse siting around the state, I realized again that it's probably about time to put some kind of portfolio of a few of the images together to show. It's not going to go anywhere until I can show some of it to other people.

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